Our Programs
Building a Nation of Innovators
From curricular to non-curricular, we engage youth in the fun world of life-long STEM learning. At MindFuel, we know a thing or two about the world of STEM – from our award winning eLearning digital platforms to our immersive STEM innovation programming. We’re passionate about making STEM learning fun and exciting for youth of all ages, and critically, making the world of STEM innovation accessible to youth including Indigenous, females in STEM, rural/remote, and economically disadvantaged populations.
Building a Nation of Innovators means preparing our youth to become the self-confident and productive builders of tomorrow. MindFuel provides the frameworks which give opportunities to youth to realize their full potential by helping them build mentor networks, collaborate with peers and subject matter experts, and develop their post-secondary and career interests.
Discover our award-winning and highly acclaimed programs today.
Youth Innovation Division
K-12 e-Learning Division

Today’s children are digital natives. The language of students is technology and engaging them in digital learning is critical. We create impactful, interactive online content and merge it with collaborative hands-on activities to bridge the gap between these digital natives and their educators.

Curious, thoughtful, young people are our future. They will solve the problems of tomorrow and we are here to support them in that journey. And supporting teachers, by providing them with curriculum-aligned tools and resources, helps build stronger classrooms. To spark innovation, our games and activities are based on real-world problems that ask students to think critically and to develop inspired solutions.

Learning doesn’t stop with a school bell or a graduation cap. The drive to explore is innate in all of us, and learning can happen anytime, anywhere. We create opportunities for discovery both in and out of the classroom, and equip teachers and parents with tools to encourage and support learning.

Unbiased, accurate scientific information comes from collaboration with the those who lead. When we create a new learning resource, we draw from a network of skilled experts to ensure we deliver true and engaging content. For design inspiration, we turn to experience and best practices evidenced in current research. To constantly improve, we work with academic researchers to understand the impact and effectiveness of our learning programs.

We listen when others speak. To meet the needs of teachers, students and their parents, we seek their feedback as we develop new learning resources. This approach means our users directly influence finished products. We also ensure the opinions of our community are reflected in what we build. We work together to achieve our best – our backgrounds are diverse, but our common connection is our commitment to the highest standards of education.