Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Academy (Canmore) Heat-induced Olfactory Biosensor -using bacteria to more effectively sense the environment Team Grade Level: High School STEM Focus: Synthetic Biology As Our Lady of the Snow’s first iGEM team, we have decided upon...
Lethbridge High School (Lethbridge) Anti-Resistor – we plan to generate a strain of E. coli that will export an enzyme known as Beta-lactamase to degrade Beta-lactam antibiotics Team Grade Level: High School STEM Focus: Synthetic Biology In April 2014, the...
Central Memorial High School (Calgary) Choking Cancer – we plan to design a bacterium that in the presence of cancer cells secretes an anti-angiogenic factor Team Grade Level: High School STEM Focus: Synthetic Biology Forty percent of Canadians are expected to...
University of Calgary (Calgary) B.s. Detector – we are developing a nucleic acid-based, rapid point-of-care device capable of diagnosing multiple infectious diseases Team Grade Level: University STEM Focus: Synthetic Biology Infectious diseases symptomatically...