Summer camp schedule launched today
It’s summer camp sign up season! Try something new this year. MindFuel’s edacity program is hosting an Invent O-Rama summer camp series designed to expose kids to the fun of entrepreneurship. Come to camp curious and leave an inventor! You don’t need...
MindFuel gets teachers focused on design thinking at convention
MindFuel presented a full-day intensive design thinking workshop at the Calgary City Teacher’ Convention last week. The session united design thinking, maker-inspired activities, and interdisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning. “Participants were introduced...
MindFuel.ca has a new look
Welcome to the new and improved MindFuel website, just in time for Valentine’s Day! With a bold and elegant look and feel, and intuitive navigation, our new site is designed with you in mind. Our goal in redesigning MindFuel.ca was to speak simply to our most...
Celebrating Canada 150 with a new Wonderville game
MindFuel is excited to be part of the Canada 150 anniversary celebrations. As a recipient of project funding from the Government of Canada, work has already begun on a new digital learning resource about Canada’s great inventions and contributions over the past 150...